Project proposals

The following are several of the project proposals that you will work until the end of semester. You must choose one of the following topics by October 1st. Please email my with the topic you have chosen and the team members (max two per team). If you would like to do something different, please email me and we can talk about it.

  1. Surface roughness measurement
    • This is a continuation of assignment #2. The idea here is to review more thouroughly the literature on roughness measurement and develop a robust code that conforms to the ISO-4287 Specification. I will provide further experimental data from different surfaces. Simulated data may also be used.
  2. 3D point cloud evaluation
    • Many 3D optical instruments produce 3D XYZ data, however, corecctly assessing the measurements requires fitting certain geometrical shapes to the point cloud. The goal of this project is to implement several algorithms for reliable 3D point cloud assessment. I will provide experimental data, however, simulated data may also be used. Check this paper.
  3. The optical mouse as a two-dimensional displacement sensor
    • Yes! You will use an optical mouse as a highly sensitive displacement sensor. You will recreate the experimental setup, and validate it with a micrometet positioning system at the lab. Check this paper

General Guidelines

The general requirement is that you implement some code at least with simulated measurements. You may reuse code from other sources, but cite them properly. Your final report should be between 6 - 8 pages using the IEEE template.


The following is a suggested structure for the report:

IEEE paper template at overleaf.


At the end of the semester we will schedule 12 minute presentations per team.